Uncle Gavin and Aunt Reah Rock!
A big thanks from the boys for their christmas presents. Nana Juju refuses to go outside and watch JT ride his new skateboard.

Over the River and Through the Woods
Zach entertaining himself with veggie snacks.
Mississippi River and some really important canon that the confederates used in Vicksburg.
Some random photos of our car ride to North Carolina. The trip was uneventful, which means that JT had only one minor puke event.
We stopped the first night in Meridian, Mississippi and then made it to Concord on the second day. The boys were well behaved, most likely b/c they had Isabella's DVD player, which JT thought was far better than using dad's computer.
Santa and JT
Well, this is the first year we've gotten JT to see the man in red. JT has been asking lots of logistic questions about Santa and this year has seemed a bit uncertain that there is actually a Santa. When they announced that Santa was at the gingerbread house party, JT kept reminding me that we really needed to go downstairs to visit. JT spent a lot of time talking to Santa and seems fairly convinced now that there is a Santa.
Santa Got a Puter
Today JT and I are going with his friends Ethan, Lucas, and Bella to make gingerbread houses. I was telling JT (who has been questioning the existence of Santa) that the man himself may be making an appearance at the event. Here is the conversation:
JT: Why would Santa be there?
Me: Because he wants to see all the kids.
JT: Why?
Me: So he can check up on them and make sure you are doing good.
JT: But Mom, Santa has a 'puter to keep track of kids being good or bad. He doesn't need to come see us.
Me: Well, he still likes to come see you and he likes to make sure the stores have enough toys for the moms and dads to buy.
The conversation went on from there. I had to try and convince JT that Santa, even though he does have computers, still likes to come visit the kids because some times it is just nice to visit with people. JT told me that all the elves have computers as well and according to JT they each are divided into groups to cover certain kids.
Hopefully I will have some photos to share later today.
JT: Why would Santa be there?
Me: Because he wants to see all the kids.
JT: Why?
Me: So he can check up on them and make sure you are doing good.
JT: But Mom, Santa has a 'puter to keep track of kids being good or bad. He doesn't need to come see us.
Me: Well, he still likes to come see you and he likes to make sure the stores have enough toys for the moms and dads to buy.
The conversation went on from there. I had to try and convince JT that Santa, even though he does have computers, still likes to come visit the kids because some times it is just nice to visit with people. JT told me that all the elves have computers as well and according to JT they each are divided into groups to cover certain kids.
Hopefully I will have some photos to share later today.
To most of us, this looks like a nice child's toy. A draw bridge that adds extra excitement to the already very exciting Brio train track; however, if you happen to have two boys who are fighting over Brio train track this fun toy can become so much more.
We present the evidence of what a drawbridge can do to the human head when your younger brother decides to get the final blow in fight over train track. Nothing ends a day at work like walking in the door and having JT run up to me asking me if I want to see his head and all the blood.
Of course after an adventurous evening at the grocery store, which included us somehow losing one of Zachy's boots (luckily HEB called to say they found it) both boys opted to remain brothers and enjoy a little Happy Feet before bedtime.
I just hope Nana Juju and Grandpa Pete are ready for these two during the Christmas break.
What we are thankful for...
Zachy is thankful for the best light post in Austin, specifically the one in front of the Capital on Congress and 12th.
JT and Zach are thankful they were able to battle the rebels and save Texas.
We are all thankful for our friends and family. We are thankful for the quiet Thanksgiving we got to spend with Gene and the Soeffker family. I am thankful that I was able to leave Target and escape a visit from CPS despite the scene that is no doubt being replayed on the security camera at Target of me walking briskly while being followed by one crying kid and one crying kid that was also screaming "I want my hat and gloves!" Rick is thankful that his orthopedic surgeon is going to let him start running again and he can officially cancel the baby shower that friends are hosting for him (supposedly he is having twins).
Another Lucas Shows at MOMA
Random November Updates
Dinosaur Bones Discovered In Pflugerville
The young palentologist, Joseph Lucas, recently discovered a dinosaur bone in the Pflugerville area. The type of bone is still yet unknown. JT will continue at the dig in hopes of finding a complete skeleton.
In other news, Rick is close to running away because our TV decided to give out. We can't complain, it was a nice TV (one of the only perks from work). I don't think the boys mind using the small TV from our room but Rick isn't coping well.
No Candy for Breakfast
This is Zachy when his mean parents refuse to let him eat candy for breakfast. We are the worst parents ever.
The Next Noriega
these are a few our favorite things...
I updated the boys listing of things that they like to do and thought it would be appropriate to add the following photos.
The photos of Guy (the horse) are from a t-ball game. I was trying to keep Zachy entertained by letting him dig through my purse. He of course picked out my camera and tried to take a photo of Guy. I went ahead and took some for him. He sat still for a good 10 minutes just looking at Guy's photos.
JT got the coolest dragon and knight for his birthday. He then decided to spend his birthday money on some additional knights. We spent all of last Sunday setting up various battle scenes on his castle. The photo is his own creation. He was really excited about the dragon and the guy trying to chop the castle.
Now Appearing at the MOMA

Gagoo has sent two very cool robot birthday cards recently. Both have been prize items to the recipients. JT decided to sit down and draw a robot of his own. Then he switched over to a football field. We are hoping that once our friend Jessica gets out of grad school, she can put together an install of JT's work at some gallery in SanFran.
The Dynamic Duo Takes on the Hood
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